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Simple, Quick, No Equipment Desk Yoga

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

There’s a saying “motion is lotion”. It’s not a surprise that sitting at a desk for long periods can actually make us sore and even tired.

Sitting at a desk for hours on end can be bad for your health and puts a strain on your hips, back, neck and spine, especially if you slouch. There are sit-stand workstations and ergonomic chairs but moving your body is essential to keep your body in line.

Try these simple, quick poses at your desk with no equipment required. *


Plant your feet on the floor and connect to your breathing. Take a couple of deep inhales and exhales.

Chin to Chest

Slowly exhale - move your chin towards your chest.

Inhale - move your chin towards the ceiling.

Never hold your breath.

Repeat for about 3 to 4 breath cycles.

Roll your chin slowly from ear to ear for a couple of breaths.


This will help stretch the spine, neck, chest, shoulders, and back, and helps promote healthy digestion.

Plant both feet firmly on the floor.

Elongate your torso to expand your spine.

Pull your belly button in toward your spine to engage your core.

Place your right hand on the outside of your left knee.

Place your left hand on the back of the chair or on the seat towards the back.

Feel the twist originate in your spine, not your neck.

Gaze towards your back shoulder.

Breathe for 2 to 3 deep breaths.

Slowly release and repeat on the other side.

Cat Cow Pose

This will warm up your spine while stretching your upper, mid & lower back.

Plant both feet firmly on the floor.

Place your hands gently on your knees.

Inhale - Cow Pose - Raise your chest up and out while you hug your shoulder blades together. Gaze towards the ceiling.

Exhale - Cat Pose - Pull your belly button towards your spine while you tuck your chin towards your chest.

Inhale Cow.

Exhale Cat.

Inhale Cow.

Exhale Cat.

Seated Figure Four

This opens your hips and your glutes. This one can get spicy so take your time and listen to your body.

Plant both feet firmly on the floor.

Sit tall.

Lift your right leg up and rest your right ankle on top of your left knee.

Protect your knee in this pose. You will feel a stretch on the outside of the right thigh.

To deepen the stretch, forward fold over your legs, allowing your head and arms to hang heavy.

Take 2 to 3 deep breaths. Or about 10 seconds. Listen to your body for anything that needs adjustment.

Seated Triangle

This will help open the shoulders and stretches the hips, it can release tension in the lower back.

Release your foot to the ground.

Place your hand on the floor.

Inhale as you reach your other arm up, fingertips pointing towards the ceiling.

Exhale while you take your gaze towards your raised fingers.

Breathe and rotate your wrist in circles to the right a couple of times and then the left a couple of times.


Exhale release to the ground.

Inhale repeat on the other side.

Exhale release to the ground.

Seated Figure Four (on the other side)

Plant both feet firmly on the floor.

Sit tall.

Lift your right leg up and rest your right ankle on top of your left knee.

Protect your knee in this pose. You will feel a stretch on the outside of the right thigh.

To deepen the stretch, forward fold over your legs, allowing your head and arms to hang heavy.

Take 2 to 3 deep breaths. Or about 10 seconds. Listen to your body for anything that needs adjustment.

Stand up to Mountain Pose

Stand from your chair.

Place both feet firmly on the ground in a comfortable stance.

Inhale - Reach both hands towards the ceiling.

Exhale - Place your palms together to slightly touch in a prayer pose.

Gaze forward and breathe for 2 to 3 deep breaths.

Side Bend

When we sit we tend to hunch over a computer, this can hurt the neck and shoulders.

From Mountain pose - Inhale

Exhale - pull your belly button towards your spine and hinge slightly at the waist to the right. Keep your fingertips in line with your torso.

Inhale - back to the center.

Exhale - repeat on other side

Inhale - back to the center

This sequence can be repeated one or two times depending on how your body feels.

Exhale - Hands in prayer to heart center

Take a couple more deep breaths and feel gratitude for the capabilities and strength of your body.

* All yoga poses can be modified based on an individual's needs. Proper form and technique are essential to make sure your body is safe and to avoid injury. If you are pregnant or have a pre-existing condition, please consult with your health care provider before practicing yoga.

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