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Nov 23, 202411 min read
Vibration Plate Benefits
The research was initially conducted to meet our specific needs regarding autism. I discovered that these vibration plates have many...

Jul 18, 202417 min read
Toxin Resource Page: Your Essential Guide
The subject of toxins is widely discussed. They can have various meanings. Stress and specific individuals can both be considered toxic....

Jul 18, 20249 min read
The Truth Behind Vaccinations.
Vaccinations are one of the topics that can cause emotions to flare. My firstborn and only child was born in 1999. I did everything the...

Jun 30, 202218 min read
Health and Mental Wellness Products
I learned about Kyani in the fall of 2021. I loved the ease of getting missing nutrients in a super easy and convenient way. Kyani has...

Apr 2, 20224 min read
April is Autism Awareness Month
Every year April brings what is now called Autism Acceptance month. April 2 is always World Awareness. Anyone that knows me, knows my...

Jan 21, 20227 min read
Traveling with Autism - Our Adventures in Boston
(repost from my original blog dated June 16, 2018) When I was young I used to dream about places to visit when I got to be an adult. My...

Jun 15, 202117 min read
Labels Don't Define You - My Own Story
When someone says, "Tell me about yourself," my head starts reeling. There's so much over my 48 years of existence that it takes me a...

Jun 15, 20213 min read
Can You Build Credit with No Credit
Having a young adult in the household and trying to teach such things as finances, budgeting, and credit can be difficult. As kids grow...

Feb 3, 20218 min read
Social Security - Information and Myths
Social Security Unraveled .. sort of .. When you have a child and are planning for their future, something that is probably not common...

Oct 14, 20204 min read
Can a Young Adult with Special Needs Get a Driver's License
One of those big milestones in a young adult's life is to obtain that coveted passage of freedom .. a driver’s license. The beginning...

Sep 11, 20195 min read
Sensory Processing Disorder, Dysregulation & Strategies
Maybe you've heard words like sensory processing or a child is dysregulated. These words are becoming more and more prominent as more...

Jun 14, 20182 min read
Supplemental Needs or Special Needs Trust?
When you have a loved one with special needs or a disability, as they are near 18 years old things start to get a little scary. As if...

May 20, 20186 min read
Why is the IEP so confusing?
I. E. P. ... just three little letters but so much complication. Today I was cleaning and organizing a "new" file cabinet my fiancee...

Jan 7, 201710 min read
Ear Infections, Surgeries, and Hearing Aids
I was asked to be a speaker at the Lions mid-winter convention. I was asked by my son's ear doctor and audiologist to speak on the...
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